
The resources on this page consist of a selection of short Youtube videos that overview some of the models, principles, processes and distinctions that we source to support client leaders. They serve to inform leaders of some of the factors influencing both leaders and prospective followers in their respective organisations; be it to do with safety engagement, wellbeing, efficiency or quality. They form part of the mix that make up the eclectic offerings provided by ZAS Consulting to support our clients. This will provide the client with a taste of some of the factors considered as part of our Service Offerings. For the purpose of convenience we have categorized the Resources under relevant headings.

Check back periodically to discover new inclusions to the list.

Appreciative Inquiry

Behaviour Analysis

Change Management

Emotional Intelligence

  • What is it? - Why is it important? What can you work on? (3 minutes)

High Performance Teams

Human Factors


Leadership Coaching

Psychology Factors

Risk Taking


Situational Awareness

What is our point of difference?

“It is not the description of our models, tools and principles per se, that makes the difference. It is the eclectic combination of these things applied in action in the workplace, in our dance with the client, that creates the impact and signposts our point of difference as a consultancy.”

Terry Foster